Optimizing resources in Apparel production - Kingslake Webinar

Optimizing resources in Apparel production – Webinar

Operations managers in the apparel industry face daily issues in capacity planning and operations scheduling. They need to ensure that staff, machines and material is available for proper production execution.  

Overall, apparel production planning and control can play a vital role in improving production throughput, reducing wastage, and cost optimization. Kingslake will be organizing a webinar to help you realize the benefits of production planning and control that can be brought to your organization and improve your work-life balance.

Held on Tuesday 31st January 2023 at 3.30 PM (IST). Learn more about how we can help you to lead your business to greater success using our KingslakeBlue MES and Line Balancing Solution.

Register in advance for this webinar:

Team Kingslake.

Team Kingslake.

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